The award of this contract is currently on hold.  The Evaluation Committee selected Hoy Stark Hagan as its top ranked offeror, and successfully negotiated an agreement. However, alternative project priorities are being reevaluated with a decision regarding moving forward with contract award expected late in 2018.

RFQ Overview:

LCRDA intends to, following the completion of the design criteria package, solicit design-build proposals for the renovation of the  Collins Building (the “Project”) in accordance with §287.055(9), Florida Statutes. The objective of this RFQ is to identify and seek a competitive proposal from a qualified Design Criteria Professional to provide the following services:

  1. Create the design criteria package, and;
  2. Provide assistance with evaluation of the proposals submitted by the design-build firms for the Project
  3. Provide consultation regarding the supervision or approval by LCRDA of the detailed working drawings of the Project, and;
  4. Evaluation of the compliance of the Project construction with the design criteria package.

The Offeror who is awarded a contract to prepare the design criteria package is not eligible to render services under a design-build contract executed pursuant to the design criteria package. 

Evaluation Committee:




RFQ 18-04 Presenter Notification and Instructions

RFQ 18-04 List of Responses:

RFQ 18-04 Q&A Amendment (Last Updated: 08/22/18, 2:25pm)

Collins Building Drawings (PDF)

RFQ 18-04 Design Criteria Professional-Collins Building Renovation

RFQ 18-04 Registration Form (Download form to your computer before filling in form or changes may be lost!)

RFQ 18-04 Public Notice

Schedule (All dates/times subject to change):

Issue/Advertise RFP Tue 8/7/2018
2nd Advertisement Thur 8/9/2018
Project information meeting, 2pm Wed 8/15/2018
Questions due, 2pm Wed 8/22/2018
SOQ’s Due, 2pm Wed 8/29/2018
Evaluation Committee Meeting-Short Listing (if necessary), 3pm * Wed CANCELED
Evaluation Committee Meeting-Presentations, 3pm * Wed 9/12/2018
Executive Committee Recommendation Approval, 3pm * Wed 9/19/2018
Board Ratification of Selection* Thur 10/4/2018
Contract Executed  Thur 10/4/2018

*Subject to change.